We are excited to invite you to a special opportunity for your children. It’s called Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW). This opportunity is not only great preparation for First Communion which takes place in second grade, but also a powerful and meaningful experience for children. Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) is an opportunity for children to participate at their level in the Liturgy of the Word part of the Sunday Mass. Holy Rosary Parish is pleased to offer this for your family.
Beginning on September 26th, on
SUNDAYS at the 10:00 Mass the children will be invited to come forward and process to the church lower hall for an
INTRODUCTORY SESSION where we explain in more detail to the children how they will prayerfully and respectfully continue Mass downstairs.
Starting shortly after the INTRODUCTORY SESSION, at the 10:00 Masses, the children will be invited from their parent’s pew to gather at the front of the church near the altar just before the Scripture readings with a couple of CLW leaders and/or a leader and a support staff member. They and their leader will be given a special blessing by Fr. Paul before they process downstairs to continue Mass at their level. After they hear the Scriptures for the day and talk a little bit about them, state our Creed and offer prayers of intercession, they will be escorted upstairs and back to you. They will return to you during the Offertory. You are asked to sit in a place where your child can find you upon return.
CLW will be offered throughout the school year, through April. ANY CHILD, PRESCHOOL THROUGH 2ND GRADE IS INVITED TO JOIN. Mark your calendars now and please join in.
At this time, the children may wear masks, but it not required. Social distancing will be observed.
May the Word of God dwell richly in all of our hearts!