Welcome to Holy Rosary Catholic Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.
We would love to have you join our community for Eucharist.
Weekday Masses
(Please check the bulletin for any changes.)
Monday & Friday at 8:30 AM
Thursday at noon
Weekend Masses:
Saturday at 5:00 PM
Sunday at 8:30 AM
Sunday at 10:00 AM
For directions to the Church, click on the word About at the top left of this page.
With God our Father,
His Son Jesus our model,
and led by the Holy Spirit,
we, the members of Holy Rosary
live in communion with the
Catholic tradition.
Our Mission is to unite
faith, family and community
through sacred worship, education, family life, social justice, outreach and responsible stewardship.
Are you new to the area? Would like to be part of the growing Holy Rosary family?
Marriage Resources
On the website of the Diocese of New Ulm: Catholic Charities: https://www.dnu.org/catholiccharities